RiskReady Web App

April, 2018
Frontend Developer
Riskready marketing

Tools & Technologies

JavaScript, AngularJS, Jest, Puppeteer, SignalR, D3

About Company

  • Name: Ministry of Ideas
  • Services: Service Software
  • Website: Team Software


Meet RiskReady, the ultimate web app for seamless store management and auditing. With a user-friendly interface, it simplifies inventory tracking, employee schedules, and compliance audits. Stay proactive with the watchlist feature, identifying and managing potential risks effortlessly. Tailor RiskReady to your needs using the intuitive form builder for custom audits and inspections. Elevate your business operations with RiskReady – where efficiency meets compliance.

My role

Integral in bug-fixing and development efforts, enhancing performance and usability.

Creating new features.

Creating E2E tests using Puppeteer.


Riskready marketing
Riskready marketing
Riskready screenshot
Riskready screenshot
Riskready screenshot
Riskready screenshot
Riskready screenshot